Mechanical laboratories include additive manufacturing (3d-printing), CNC manufacturing, robotics, mechanical automation, machine assembly and material technology.
Additive manufacturing laboratory
With this way of manufacturing the main principle is to manufacture by adding material to achieve an object, contrary to mote traditional manufacturing methods were material is removed to shape an object from the raw material. Printing is seen as a superior manufacturing method because it does not generate waste material. It also enables one to make very complex items both easily and fast. 3D-scanning and object modeling can also be done in this laboratory.
Examples of equipment in the laboratory
We have several different 3D-printing technologies available with multiple machines and materials.
For a more comprehensive list of equipment, please contact the laboratory engineer.
Contact info:
Name: Rayko Toshev
Mobile: +358 29 449 8370
Name: Sami Elomaa
Mobile: +358 40 643 0803
CNC manufacturing laboratory
This is all about traditional manufacturing methods, which are the basis of mechanical engineering. CNC machining is basically a way to manufacture an object by removing material.
Examples of equipment in the laboratory
Bridgeport VMC800
Bridgeport VMC500X
Doosan Lynx 220LM
Gravograph IS700
20-ton air shop press
For a more comprehensive list of equipment, please contact the laboratory engineer.
Contact info:
Name: Osku Hirvonen
Mobile: +358 40 720 1217
Robotics laboratory
All about robotics. A big part of our mechanical laboratory is reserved for this. We have a broad range of robots for different tasks. Here students learn the basics of robots, object handling with physical guidance and programming, how to set up a assembly line, computer vision solutions and IoT of robotics.
Examples of equipment in the laboratory
ABB YuMi, collaborative robot
ABB IRB 340, FlexPicker
ABB IRB 120, 1100, 1200 and 1600 articulated arm robots
OMRON LD-mobilerobot
For a more comprehensive list of equipment, please contact the laboratory engineer.
Contact info:
Name: Mika Billing
Mobile: +358 40 591 2854
Mechanical automation laboratory
Here students learn to innovate, develop and execute real projects for companies. To execute these we utilize pneumatic, hydraulics and sensor technology combined with PLC-programming. All our automation models are possible to modify based on project/customer needs.
For a more comprehensive list of equipment, please contact the laboratory engineer.
Contact info:
Name: Marko Rantasalo
Mobile:+358 40 357 5793
Assembly laboratory
The whole laboratory is reserved for first-year students, which start a project in where they disassemble a scooter or ATV. They have to remember to document the whole process closely, because with the help of their own documentation, they have to assemble it to it’s original (and functioning) form during the spring semester.
Examples of equipment in the laboratory
Comprehensive tool sets
For a more comprehensive list of equipment, please contact the laboratory engineer.
Contact info:
Name: Marko Rantasalo
Mobile: +358 40 357 5793
Material technology laboratory
In this laboratory, we study material fabrication, material composition, material properties and different applications for materials. The main raw materials which we study are metals and different plastics. In this area of expertise, projects include material research and/or plastic pressing.
Examples of equipment in the laboratory
Engel 200/4 HSL
Regloplas p 140 s
For a more comprehensive list of equipment, please contact the laboratory engineer.
Contact info:
Name: Osku Hirvonen
Mobile: +358 40 720 1217